What is copy & why does it matter?
Every time I share that I’m a copywriter with friends, family, or associates in other fields it is immediately followed up with the question, “What is that? You do, like, all that legal stuff?”
I smile, giggle a smidge, and gently say, “no, not exactly.”
It is such a fair question. Unless you’re in marketing or advertising, most people won’t have first hand knowledge of what copywriting is, or even more so, why it matters. Many assume it to be copyrighting and not copywriting. Catch the difference? It’s subtle, but it changes everything.
So with that in mind, let’s get into it.
WHAT is it?
To first understand copywriting, start by breaking down the word into its two parts: copy and writing. Copy is defined as written information that aims to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience. Essentially, it’s words that share your story and sell your vision or offering. And the writing piece? Well, that’s pretty straight forward. It’s the act of putting together conscious and persuasive words and phrases.
Copy is used every single day. Blogs, advertisements, newsletters, product descriptions, email campaigns, newspapers, and even YouTube videos all use copy and copywriters to elevate their vision and sell their product, offering, and mission to the consumer. Heck, even your personal Instagram posts can count as copy when you really think about it!
It is everywhere, all the time. It can change everything about how you represent yourself or your business when used intentionally and strategically.
Why does it matter?
Dream with me here for just a moment…
Let’s say you’re a gifted soap maker. You’ve crafted an amazing product, and it’s ready to be offered to a broader audience. The market is primed and your dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur is FINALLY coming true.
The packaging? Impeccable.
Your ingredients list? Organic, fair trade, and fabulous as fuck.
Photo and video assets? Out of this world.
Your social media presence? An absolute SLAY
This product is badass and you KNOW it. You’ve worked so hard! And we are all so fucking proud of you.
If you don’t have words to describe its luscious lather, its floral and amber notes, or its exfoliating qualities, then the most you have is some pretty pictures. It makes your soap just like any other on the market. Yes, a customer can get the gist of your product and make an impulse decision based on looks alone. But is that the way we grow and expand? On guessing? No.
Even if you put full fledged videos out there and you NAIL that voice over you’re still leaving out a major target audience if you don’t have a transcript (also a form of copy).
Your product won’t sell without the copy.
As direct as that is, it just won’t. You need it.
Copy offers you….
Clarity - clear representation of what you are offering. No guessing needed when we’ve got the words and assets to back it up.
Opportunity - opportunity to express yourself or your business in a real, authentic, strategic way. Copy allows you to inform your audience in a malleable, evolving way.
Presentation - pictures and videos aren’t the only things that present offerings to the world! Powerful, intentional words amplify your voice and vision. Copy is a unique way to represent yourself, your mission, and your passions.
Yield - overtime, when done strategically with a professional copywriter, you will see a higher yield in your revenue streams. Copywriting not only is a skill of threading together beautiful language. Copywriters are skilled in market and keyword research. We specialize in something called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure that our offering gets you more searchable and reputable on engines like Google, Bing, and maybe, if you’re lucky, Ask Jeeves. More on that in a different blog post (SEO, not Ask Jeeves - if you don’t know about Ask Jeeves I’m not sure we can hang.)
Sidenote: who doesn’t love a kick ass acronym, am I right?
You need copy. You will always and forever need copy. So….
Pick me. Choose me. Love ME…. (get it?)
Should copy interest you and serve you it would be my honor and privilege to come alongside the process of bringing your vision to life. Everyone deserves someone on their team who is truly for them and comes with the skills to back that up. I’m that person. Not sold yet, though? No problem. Let’s set up a free connection call and I’ll prove it in real time that I’m the one for you.