Hey there,

Before anything else, let me just say THANK YOU for being here. For reading. Showing up. Engaging. Considering. It is all such a gift and I am drenched in gratitude!

Creating Lucent Solutions Co. was not an easy decision. It came through a stage of being laid off from my 9-5 job and allowing that to fuel taking aligned risk to create a company from scratch that I believe is growing into something truly remarkable.

The name Lucent Solutions Co. comes from the sweet desire for my work, no matter what it is, to be that of Light for myself and those around me. Also defined as “marked by clarity” I want the lucent solutions we offer our clients and colleagues to be clear and grounded. Whether that’s through our copy, our conversations, or our quality time together we all deserve to know where we stand and that we are standing together.

I value community, nature, movement, solitude, creativity, steadiness, and having a fucking good time! Because of that, you’ll often find me spending quality time with loved ones, doing yoga, going to the gym, hiking, meditating, journaling, crocheting, crafting, going on coffee dates as well as enjoying my own company.

Founder & Creative Lead: Quincy Curtis

Founder & Creative Lead: Quincy Curtis